1: Add public $meta_info; apps\core\MY_Controller 2: Add these lines in apps\core\MY_Controller in construct $this->load->helper('seo/seo'); $this->load->config('seo/config'); if($this->uri->segment(1)!='sitepanel') { $this->meta_info = getMeta(); } 3: apps\views\top_application put meta_info; if( is_array($meta_rec) && !empty($meta_rec) ) { ?> <?php echo $meta_rec['meta_title'];?> 4: *********** Remove the getMeta() from utils_helper.php line 505 *********** 5: /* Add Form $default_params = array( 'heading_element' => array( 'field_heading'=>"Name", 'field_name'=>"category_name", 'field_placeholder'=>"Your Catgeory Name", 'exparams' => 'size="40"' ), 'url_element' => array( 'field_heading'=>"Page URL", 'field_name'=>"friendly_url", 'field_placeholder'=>"Your Page URL", 'exparams' => 'size="40"', 'pre_seo_url' =>'', 'pre_url_tag'=>FALSE ) ); if(is_array($parentData)) { $pre_seo_url = base_url().$parentData['friendly_url']."/"; $default_params['url_element']['pre_seo_url'] = $pre_seo_url; $default_params['url_element']['pre_url_tag'] = TRUE; $default_params['url_element']['exparams'] = 'size="30"'; } seo_add_form_element($default_params); ///////////Note heading_element represents your heading field element eg: Category Name,News Title,CMS Heading....... url_element represent the URL element exparams represets all other attributes for the corresponding fields pre_seo_tag represents any Pre URL attachment element 7: $route['seo/sitemap\.xml'] = "seo/sitemap"; 8: Need to validate product name / category name , testimonial tile , all site title max length 200 9 : Also need to update apps\config\routes.php 10 Read RSS : $this->load->library('seo/rssparser'); // load library $this->rssparser->set_feed_url('http://news.google.com/news?pz=1&cf=all&ned=hi_in&hl=hi&output=rss'); // get feed $this->rssparser->set_cache_life(30); // Set cache life time in minutes $rss = $this->rssparser->getFeed(6);